A Curious Container

May 20, 2023

std::tuple, introduced in C++11, is a distinctive container in the standard library. Unlike traditional STL containers, it is type-flexible, stack-allocated, and has a notably unique interface.

Tuple Overview

Formally, std::tuple is a templated class that encapsulates a fixed-size collection of heterogeneous values, each potentially of a different type [0]. It is particularly useful for generic operations, such as returning multiple values from a function or storing function arguments for delayed execution.

Contrasting with contiguous containers like std::vector or std::array, std::tuple lacks a subscript operator for index-based access. Instead, it overloads std::get to expose tuple elements by requiring the caller to provide an element's index via a template argument [0].

For example, to access the first element in a tuple:

std::tuple<int, double, std::string> t = {1, 4.25, "Hello World"};
std::cout << std::get<0>(t) << std::endl;

Closer Examination

So why is std::tuple so unique as a container?

std::tuple stands out due to its extensive use of template metaprogramming to store heterogeneous types. Informally, std::tuple can be analogized to a struct:

std::tuple<int, std::string, ...> t;

// is roughly equal to:

struct tuple {
  int value_1;
  std::string value_2;

Looking Under The Hood

Let's examine a C++ tuple implementation. For simplicity's sake, this implementation will only hold unique types (i.e., two objects of the same type are not allowed) and will not consider move semantics.

We begin with a minimal wrapper around an object of type T:

template <typename T>
struct leaf {
  T value;

We then implement our core template class, which inherits from a leaf<T> for every T in a variadic template argument pack Ts:

template <typename... Ts>
struct unique_tuple : public leaf<Ts>... {
  unique_tuple(const Ts&... values) : leaf<Ts>(values)... {}

From this, we can implement a std::get-esque get template function which returns the object held in the tuple for a specified type T:

// Const overload:
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
constexpr auto get(const unique_tuple<Ts...>& tuple) -> const T& {
  return static_cast<const leaf<T>&>(tuple).value;

// Non-const overload:
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
constexpr auto get(unique_tuple<Ts...>& tuple) -> T& {
  return static_cast<leaf<T>&>(tuple).value;

The punchline is that, since unique_tuple inherits from a leaf<T> for all T in Ts, we are allowed to cast a unique_tuple object into a respective leaf<T> object for a specified type T. We can then access the object stored in that leaf<T> via its public value member.

unique_tuple<int, char> t = {1, 'a'};
std::cout << get<int>(t) << std::endl;


[0] https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/tuple

[1] https://codereview.stackexchange.com/a/44832